Who are we?

AMG Traduction

Anne-Marie Gosselin set up AMG Traduction in 2009.

As a French translator-interpreter and graduate of Vienna University (Austria), Anne-Marie is passionate about her profession. Her career so far has taken her all over the world, working in four languages: first as a project manager in third-world development for 10 years, then as a consultant for a large American consultancy firm specialising in change management before becoming one of their international project leaders.

Having perfected a panoply of skills and developed a broad professional network, when Anne-Marie relocated to Picardy she founded AMG Traduction, her own foreign language communication firm. The firm aims to help businesses communicate with ease in foreign languages in different contexts (such as economy, industry, culture ….) and through a wide range of different formats. We translate, interpret and can even write your texts for you!

Our offices are well situated between Paris and Calais and not far from Brussels and London. We travel regularly to Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and the UK.

Anne-Marie is no stranger to managing multidisciplinary teams, dealing with ultra-specific and widely varied subjects, tight deadlines and demanding clients. It’s a pleasure to put her experience and expertise at her clients’ disposal.

To satisfy all your business needs, Anne-Marie has built up a fine team of experienced and reliable translators, most of whom she knows personally.

We are committed to providing a confidential service and high quality translations within agreed deadlines.

AMG Traduction
